About Me

Hi! I am so excited to be writing this page. Whenever I find a new blog to read, I go to the.. "about me" page first. This page really allows me to see how the blogger writes, and how the blogger is similar to me! So from seeing all of these pages I have decided to update my own page and make it more interesting!

1) I am a junior at The Ohio State University! OH-- IO!! I am a HUGE buckeye fan, so choosing to study here was a no brainier! I decided to study nutrition my sophomore year  and since then I have fallen even more in love with nutrition! So by this time next year I should be graduated with a degree in Bachelor of Science in Human Ecology, Nutrition Major Dietetics Option. Yeah its a mouthful but I would rather have that then nothing! 

2) I had an eating disorder for 3 years. My senior year of high school I started to lose weight and this is when I become really obsessed with my weight and to keep on losing it. Eventually I realized that I had an issue and was diagnosed with Anorexia.  My sophomore year of college I felt like I spent more time in a doctors office than in class! Fact: I hate the word... Anorexia. Anyways, it took me a long time to heal and now I am in the right mine set!

3) I eat clean and I am lactose intolerance! I love the way I eat, some people might call it boring but I love it! I love the way it makes me feel and the way my body response to the way in which I eat. When I say I eat clean, I eat a lot of fish, shrimp, veggies (carrots soo yummy!), fruit, whole grains, and nuts (almonds=love:). I found that I was lactose intolerance about 2 weeks ago, and let me tell you.. worse. discovery. ever. I use to love Greek Yogurt, skim milk, ice cream, and those are the main dairies, do you know how much stuff has dairy? Let me tell you more than you think! On the other hand though I am feeling so much better and not sick and it really has just taken some time to figure out what works and what does not work with my system! 

4) I LOVE to run. Running is the best feeling in the world. I love the feeling of before, during, and after, and everything in between! I was never a runner till about my senior year of high school, but now that I run I can not stop! I have ran about 4 5K's and 1 10K. This summer is all about racing I am hoping to compete in about 10! Sooooo excited! I run about a 8:30 minute mile, but I am hoping to be about 7:50 by the end of summer, wish me luck!

The was the Flying Pig in Cincy! Such a great 10K!
5) Finally I love to read. Reading has always been a huge passion of mine, I have also been known as the bookworm in the family. I am really into series (Harry Potter!), but I also enjoy reading about WWII and books that have been made into movies. Right now that would be Water for Elephants (totally recommend this book!)

Thank you so much for visiting my site! I really hope who ever is reading this enjoys it and can learn something from me! Have a happy healthy day!