Wednesday, June 8, 2011

I'm Back!!

Wow!! It has been way to long since my last post! I have really missed writing and talking about my every day life, but that is exactly what made me get into mess of not writing.. LIFE!

I am a college student, and I have wacky hours this quarter and when I was not in school I was studying, and when I was not studying I was applying to internships (more on that in a sec!), and when I was not doing that I was RUNNING!

So a lot has happen in the last month or so, and every time something would happen I would just say to myself.. "gotta write this on the blog" (then epic fail, I never wrote). But I am done with the excuses, and I am going to write as much as I can!

So lets play so catch up shall we...

1) I bought the Garmin Foreunner 305. Enough said. It is amazing! Some how it makes me want to run even more, I am such a visual person and to see the pace, miles, time all in one watch it is amazing and I am so glad I bought it.

*This brings me to my first astrick, if you are thinking about buying a running watch of any sort, check out ebay. I know sometimes they can be iffy, but really if you find one that you like shoot the person an  email and maybe ask for some more pictures, or a better description of the watch. I did this and I was so happy because what the buyer showed me was exactly what I received!

2) I have not been able to take any pictures with my new best friend yet, but I am in a race this weekend so hopefully you will be able to see him in action! This brings me to my next topic. Races. I am obsessed I know I have talked in another post about  races but I do have issues. If I am not looking for races then I am just looking at races, and I look at peoples race times ect... Its bad, that is all I am going to say.

However, I can cross off one race this weekend. The Paddy's Pig 10k, I am really looking forward to this race because my boyfriend, Bruce, is also running it! He is more of a sports guy, like playing the sport for exercise. So running is always used, but he dose not just enjoy running with out doing something else. I am super proud of him for signing up, it will be a great time!

I have also signed up for my first ever.... HALF MARATHON! I am more excited for this then any race, I keep picturing myself running across that finish line and I just smile every time. I am more of a sprinter when it comes to running (hence I love 5k's and 10k's), so this is going to be a challenge for me, but I am really looking forward to it. It is not until October so I have some time to prepare, by the way its the Columbus Marathon and Half Marathon.

3) Next on the list is internship! I applied to Nestles internship program, and I have one! I am super pumped. This is not for my RD, but it still looks really good on my resume! I will be conducting a research project as well as testing out new technologies. I am super pumped!

4) I am now a senior in college. Wow.

5) I will be a 5th year senior. Ugg.

6) I will be going to Florida with some of my old roommates this summer around 4th of July and I am super excited!

Well this just about sums up everything that has happened these last couple of weeks, I will be more on top of things (taking pictures, writing), now that I am a free women from school!

** Check out my reading page.. I just read a new book!

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